This week, Oiselle posted a #TeamChemistry Instagram challenge. I have participated by posting #TeamChemistry pictures of both of my running groups (Run Muskegon and the Grand Haven Running Club) as well as two of my dear running friends, Liz and Donna.
If you were a fly on the wall in our house, you’d hear:
“Mommy, we are a great team.”“Cole, we are going to do (insert activity) because we are a team. This is how we work together.”“That was some great teamwork!”“Mom, we are the bestest team ever!” Yup...we are.
Since we lost Collin, my late husband and Cole’s father, to cancer almost three years ago, Cole and I approach life as a team. We on this crazy road together, through thick and thin. Honestly, I don’t know how I would have made it this far without Cole. My little blessing tolerates my need to run and the time it takes me away from him. Offers to ride his bicycle along side me (we will be working on his endurance over the next few years), bring tears of pride and joy. Cole has even caught my running bug having completed his first 5K at age 5 and running in the Color Run, Milan’s Miracle 1K, and the Ugly Sweater Run. I, in turn, spend hours building Lego sets, becoming a pseudo Star Wars expert, and learning to play Minecraft.
He is my reason for running, for pushing myself. I know my son is watching, and I, as his only parent, am his leading role model. I want him to know what the journey of pursuing a dream, a passion, looks like...and not just the end with all the achievement and celebrating. But the deep, gritty, and raw moments that are inevitable. I want him to see this so that when it is his turn to chase a dream, Cole knows I will be right there with him, supporting him unconditionally. my little heart...Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for being my wee teammate.